Nanaimo Breakers, Pee Wee 97 girls rep softball team hosted a one day jamboree at Wheatsheaf Sports Complex. Six teams participated in the event, North Vancouver, North Delta and Ladner came from the mainland and Penninsula and Strawberry Vale came from Victoria and joined the Nanaimo Breakers. All the teams played 3 games each. It was a huge success! The weather was fantastic and the fields were in great shape. All the teams said it was a well organized, great competition and everybody promised to be back next year. Nanaimo Breakers won 2 games and lost one. A great way to start the softball season!

irst game of the day with North Vancouver Stars presenting the Nanaimo Breakers Team with pins as a thank you for the invitation.

anaimo Breakers, Celine Forcier on third base and the runner is with North Delta team, name unknown.

eanna Sextion, Shaylynn Eslelr, Taylor Murray and Emily Rickson of the Nanaimo Breakers